Part 64: Mission 27 (Byston Well Route) - The Overworlders' Aura Power - Part 2
SRW UX - Dunbine Flies

: Youve found your way to a different world, and
fighting is what youre looking to do?!

: Thats rich, coming from an American! Starting wars in other places is your whole bread and butter!
SRW UX - Dunbine Flies

: Byston Well isnt meant to have Overworlders fighting in it much less to satisfy their own ambitions!

: What a high-and-mighty windbag we got here! Problem is, I cant stand that kind of people!
We get another Celestial Being Movie from him.

: I-Im not letting it end like this! No way in hell!

: ?! Th-That light

: Oooooryaaaaaaa!

: Aiiieee!

: Goddamn, this guys strong

: Haaaaah!

: This is Aura Power?! This is all
my power?!

: Stop! Let that power run out of control and youll end up

: Shut your mouth! Im done letting you Yanks tell us what to do! Thats precisely what I got all this power for!

: And now youre all dead!

: Wh-What the?! Whered that come from?!
Beep, beep.*

: This is
! A new connections been established with the Siegfried System?!

: But this Unit ID code is

: Th-That mech is


: It cant be
the Mark Sechs?!

: Youve got a lotta nerve messing with me!
Rouri goes after the Mark Sechs!*

: Fine, you can die first! Ill cut you in twain!

: This is their home, and Ill keep it safe

: Thats the promise I made!
MIO - Dunbine Flies

Ive grown much since before!

Ill soar higher than the skies! Higher! Higher! HIGHER!

: U-Uwaaaaaaaaah!

: R-Rouri?!

: Whats the Mark Sechs doing here?!

: Th-This has gotta be a dream!

: It cant be
but it is!

: Shouko! Is that really you?!

: Maya, everyone
how long its been!

: (Thats Shouko Hazama
Youkos daughter

: Shouko, you
youre alive!

: Yes
Yes, I am!

: Oh, my God
Youre really there?!

: Yes, Kazuki
Im right here!

: Shouko!

: Well, dang
We thought she was just another Holy Warrior, not that she was your friend.

: Wait, shes the Holy Warrior weve been hearing so much about?!

: Ha-Hahaha
Wow. Shouko, that frail girl, has been kicking tons of ass down here

: I
Im just so happy I dont even know what to say!

: Thats enough! The battles still going, so pay attention to it!

: Hey! Cant you ease up even a bit?! Your friend is alive

: Exactly. She
is alive, meaning we can celebrate our reunion later and shell still be here with us. Isnt that right, Kazuki?

: Yeah, she will! Lets take out the remaining enemies, guys!

: Hrrgh
H-How dare you humiliate me like this

: My lord, retreat! Well hold back the enemy!

: Damn it
Ill get you for this!
Beep, boop.*

: Enrollment complete, initiating crossing. Are you ready, Hazama?

: Im on it, Minashiro. Im not the same person I was back then!

: Shouko Hazama, March Sechs! Engaging!
Yaaaaay, weve earned our first secret: Shou Koha Zama, the Holy Warrior, and her Sechsbine!
Her bots still excellent squaddie material... though Im disappointed she didnt earn herself Aura Power and Holy Warrior skills to offset her lack of combo attacks in comparison to the others! Still, shes pretty great.
If you need a reminder, here are the steps required to unlock her:
- Prologue Destroy the Sphinx with Kazuki
- Stage 13 defeat at least 5 enemies with her by the end of Enemy Phase 3
- Kazuki has 100+ kills by the end of mission 26.
- Mission 27 - take the Byston Well Route.
And Ive been asked to point out that Shoukos name is a huge wordplay that extends beyond it being like Shou Zamas. So sit down, because Im taking you for a trip.
If youre familiar with Dunbine (or if you read the prologue of this mission), you know Byston Well is repeatedly referred to as the land in between the earth and the ocean. In here, they wrote in between using 間に (aida ni), but its more commonly written as 海と大地の狭間にある (hazama ni). But wait, theres more!
Next up, Shoukos name proper: its written as 翔子, where 翔means soar/fly and 子 is the standard name suffix indicating girls (as Youko told her in that flashback). So if you break it down, her name literally means Flying/Soaring Girl.
Pair that up with her surname and that bit of Byston Well info, and what could you read it as? The girl that flies in between that flies to Byston Well. 
And thats it for the trivia. Time to take out Kanamoto and everything else.
SRW UX - Dunbine Flies
Yes, shes got her proper BGM on.

: Ill protect Kazuki and my friends, just like I did before

: Thats why I am here!
Heey, I hadnt noticed before that her Mine Blade breaks midway through the attack!
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend
SRW UX - Dunbine Flies

: This girls the rebels Holy Warrior, huh

: That said, theres no one I cant take on with my Aura Power!

: Everyone wants nothing more than to live in peace... and then people like you come along!

: But Ill keep them safe! You will
not keep us from being with our families and the people we love!
SRW UX - Dunbine Flies

: Treating a different world like its your playground
If youre really an Overworlder, then you should be ashamed!

: An American Holy Warrior?! Are you Yanks so self-righteous that you sent troops all the way here?!

: My Shindens afraid? Just who is this guy?!

: I feel the heart of that Aura Machines pilot
! If youre worried about being hurt, then leave!
SRW UX - The Eternal Soldiers
And we get more Nyan-Nyan Ramen from him.

: Bah, fine. They only wanted us to stall them today, so this should be good.

: All Hojo forces confirmed destroyed. No new signals on radar.

: Recover all mobile troops and then well head back to Abuta Blas. We need to come up with a plan to rescue Aesap and the others.

: Aesap
SRW UX - Separation

: Im so sorry I put you guys through all that

: But what happened? We thought you disappeared with that Festum when your Fenrir went off

: Yeah, how did you end here in Byston Well?

: I dont really know how it happened. When I came to, I was already here

: It was a huge shocker for us, too. The second you guys opened the Aura Road, the Mark Sechs came flying right through it.

: Then the Fenrirs explosion
did cause the Aura Road to open?

: It could also be that the Wings of Rean led her here.

: It doesnt matter why it happened
Shoukos alive
Im so

: Waaaaah, Shoukoooooo!

: Thank you, Maya

: And, Shouko, are you really not feeling weak, or tired or anything at all?

: Its like a dream, but no. Ive been feeling great ever since I came to this world.

: Your arrival here has obviously stimulated your Aura Power, so that might've strengthened your body.

: I think that's it! Aura Power is the light of life, after all!

: And considering how strong hers is, that sounds pretty likely to me.

: Have I really become that strong? I dont really feel that way

: Youve always been strong, as you showed when you tried to protect our island.

: Kazuki

: Thank you so much for keeping my home safe. And

: Welcome back, Shouko

: Its good to be back, Kazuki


: Sure you dont wanna be there with the other kids?

: Theyre all so happy that Shouko Hazamas back

: I think its better that I not be there

: Canon

: Howre things looking with your troops?

: Amalgans our leader, so him being captured has got everyone on edge.

: Thats understandable. He was clearly a very charismatic man.

: Do you think Aesap and the othersll be alright?

: The king showed himself to be interested in Aesap when we fought him, so

: So they wont hurt him at least not right away. What could King Sakomizu be after, I wonder
Location: Hypp Kurene Castle Hangar

: Rgh...!

: Lux, you may be of royal blood, but cooperating with the rebels is an immeasurable disgrace.

: Who are you to speak of disgrace, father?! Youve forgotten your duty as a Holy Warrior, and now oppress and fight your own people

: Excuse me?

: King Sakomizu, the princess is concerned for you! She just believes that a military rule that mistreats the weak doesnt befit a Holy Warrior such as yourself!

: And just who is she to question that her father, the king, should or shouldnt do? To say that is being disrespectful would be an understatement.

: B-but

: Be at ease, you two. I have captured Amalgan, yes, but I have done so in a bid to establish a peace accord with the rebel army.

: Peace
? Then you will stop your offensive?

: Naturally. I never once sought a war that would lead to the extermination of my own country.

: King Sakomizu
can I really trust your word?

: Ah, to be young and so outspoken
You are a fine lad, young Aesap Suzuki.
Door opens.*

: Yo, Aesap. Sorry about what happened there.

: No hard feelings, yeah? We were just following orders.

: Rouri, Kanamoto! You

: Pipe down! You stand before the king!

: Hrm

: Rouri and Kanamoto are fellow Japanese warriors. They share in my will.

: Step this way, you three. I have something to show you.
Curtain rises.*

: I-Is that?!

: An Ohka, a purpose-built aircraft fielded by the old Japanese Army during World War 2.

: WW2 was over 200 years ago up top, but you said the flow of time is different here, right?

: And whatd you mean purpose-built?

: These were used by kamikaze squadrons
the strategy was to cover the plane in bombs and fling it at the chosen target.

: Whaat?! Can you even call something like that strategy?!

: I used one of these to thwart a third nuclear bomb from being dropped at Kokura following Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

: At that moment, the impact flung me here to Byston Well and, later, I established the nation of Hojo.

: (
Hm? Whats that hanging inside the Ohkas cockpit?)


: (An origami doll

: As for myself, I foster the growth of His Majestys nation by developing newer Aura Machines for his men to use.

: Aura Power is what gives this world life, and I have worked nonstop to create engines capable of converting it into large amounts of energy.

: (Your Aura Machines only added more fuel to the fires of war, you snake!)

: Its not my wish to conquer the Overworld. Rather, what impels me even now is the thought of failing to protect my homeland.

: Then

: Yes
My true goal is and has always been to defend my beloved nation of Japan! Nothing more, nothing less!

: You want to defend Japan

: But if Im to do that, I cannot be fighting a war in this land. Thus, young Aesap, I have a request for you.

: For me?

: Yes, a very important task in the interest of establishing peace with the rebels. A task that
must be carried out by you, whom I expect to rise as the next Holy Warrior.


: Hold him down!

: Uurgh
G-Get your hands off me!

: Did you get it?

: Yes, my lord.

: I accept our unconditional surrender to the Hojo Army

: Hmhmhm
your blood seal is very much appreciated, Amalgan Ludol.

: Rrgh
Y-You scum!

: And with it, the agonizing cries of the rebels that taint our nation will pave the way for our dream to be realized
And Michio just unlocked his second Tactician bonus, which is 10% attack power boost to all ranged weapons. Eh.
Oh, and before we close off, have some fanart of our newest teammate that I was given/came across on Pixiv:

And the convos we missed today:

: You are a Holy Warrior, no? Then why do you oppose King Sakomizu?!

: Because being King doesnt make you right! Im putting a stop to your evil Aura Power!

: This is our nation you stand in! You might be a Holy Warrior, but we wont suffer an Overworlder walking through it uninvited!

: Byston Well
I didnt think wed have to fight a war in it again. Still, I know just who I need to beat!

: Why do you not lend your strength to the King?! You are both fellow Overworlders!

: Because you guys are too trigger happy and its clear whos in the wrong here!

: You accursed Overworlder! First you steal our Aura Machine and then you have the gall to parade it around?!

: First off, I didnt want to steal it, and, secondly, I didnt want to come back to Byston Well either!

: Kasumi! If you insist on bearing your blade against innocent people

: Then Ill take mine in hand and correct your misguided path! Come and face me!

: Such a stout Aura Power! Its like Im staring down the King himself! Is this really the princess

: A warrior is meant to protect the people! You disgrace yourself by forgetting that spirit and raining violence onto the land!

: All is as the King commands! We are merely following his guidance!

: Then the King has to be stopped! And Ill do so with my own hands, not that of others!

: Her presence feels so different from before! What in blazes happened to her at the Overworld?!

: Are you deaf?! Cant you hear the peoples cries as the flames of war rage around them?!

: That may well be the masses lot in life, but I wont suffer
you lecturing us!

: Amalgan Ludol! You are a rebel and a traitor to Hojo, and now I take your head!

: You are free to try! But I wont fall to the sword of a warrior who isnt even capable of stopping her Kings insanity!